Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Hello Readers,

Well I am back in England and had a great day!
Got home and dumped my stuff in the hallway as Mum and I were off to get new food and drink. I also got a Rocksound magazine today which is all great! We got three sets of flowers too.

So after we went food shopping, we went to visit young Amy and set down a bunch at her grave as we payed our respects. Then we visited my brother, Connor, and gave him one bunch of the flowers too.
I said that I need to visit him more as I did get overwelmed with emotion, which is strange for me as I don't like showing those sort of emtions in front of anyone and that's including my mother.

I've missed him these past weeks more than usual, maybe because I'm having some troubles at the moment.
I know that if he was here he probably wouldn't be able to help me or wouldn't want to depending on our relationship.

My mum went to see a Median, and I've been told she's been going for a while in a big group. I'm kind of offened that I haven't been told sooner or even been asked if I want to go as I'm extremely interested in that. She said she'll ask if under 18's are able to attend the meetings. I don't see any reason why not and I really hope I can go.

I've been feeling kind of lost for a while now and I thought it was getting better with my last boyfriend but that went up in smoke and I have gotten lost further into the darkness I've tried so desperately to get out of.

I've been thinking about everything that's happened this year and I have started a poem, not promising it's good or anything.

Brand new day,
Brand new start,
But do that to me again
And I'll rip out your heart.

Okay, I've just realised this post might sound a bit depressing but I just need to blow off some steam. I would be saying all this stuff to one of my friends who I'm getting quiet close to but it's a shame that he lives in Austraila. He's so sweet to me and he does care.

The problem with telling him all my troubles because nothing's really going to happen between us 'cause of the distance and things.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm popping into school to get some of my results of the few of GCSE's and then my mates and I are off to the high street for a laugh, the usual stuff.

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